BIOYes I went to college and got a BFA in Graphic DesignYes I worked in the corporate world doing the above for 45 years.Yes I got married and have two kids – one of each


Yes I went to college and got a BFA in Graphic Design

Yes I worked in the corporate world doing the above for 45 years.

Yes I got married and have two kids – one of each

Meet Judy…

I was born into a family of outrageously creative people. The neighborhood was just beginning to develop amongst the fields of fruit orchards, and young families building their first homes. Our days were spent outside exploring wherever our bikes would take us and bringing back treasures to repurpose into another magical contraption.

Making something out of nothing was our call to action. My favorite toys were hammers and nails and saws and welding torches. The sounds of my youth were the crashing waves of the beach, the ratcheting of a socket wrench and voices of my four siblings. My dad, a mechanic by trade, was forever building something - a pigeon coop, model airplanes and train boards. He taught me how to weld which became one of my favorite toys as a kid. I can still hear the sound of my artist mother’s kiln firing up in the night, and feel the warmth in the patio from the all day fire. Early mornings started with the clink of the glass milk bottles from early morning deliveries and the sound of the mail carriers readying their trucks for daily deliveries.


I can still remember as a young toddler, playing in the sand and making something of it.

Writing an artist statement is kinda weird. How can I write something that’s always been me. I was born and then I started creating. I never lost the wonder of how things are made, and still, to this day find joy in making something out of nothing. So I guess my statement is … I find joy in making something out of nothing.